# Installing

go get -u github.com/sunquakes/jsonrpc4go

# Getting started

  • Server
package main

import (

type IntRpc struct{}

type Params struct {
	A int `json:"a"`
	B int `json:"b"`

func (i *IntRpc) Add(params *Params, result *int) error {
	a := params.A + params.B
	*result = interface{}(a).(int)
	return nil

func main() {
	s, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewServer("http", 3232) // the protocol is http
  • Client
package main

import (

type Params struct {
	A int `json:"a"`
	B int `json:"b"`

func main() {
	result := new(int)
	c, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewClient("IntRpc", "http", "")
	err := c.Call("Add", Params{1, 6}, result, false)
	// data sent: {"id":"1604283212", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"IntRpc/Add", "params":{"a":1,"b":6}}
	// data received: {"id":"1604283212", "jsonrpc":"2.0", "result":7}
	fmt.Println(err)     // nil
	fmt.Println(*result) // 7

# Router

# Rules

The are three part in the routing, the first part is the name of the struct. The second part is the separator /, the last part is the name of the struct method.

# How to define the routing of the service.

  • Declare the service struct, then the first part is IntRpc.
package main

type IntRpc struct{}
  • Declare the struct function.
package main

func (i *IntRpc) Add(params *Params, result *int) error {
	a := params.A + params.B
	*result = interface{}(a).(int)
	return nil
  • After start the server and register the struct, you can new a client to request jsonrpc2.0 data to the server, one client map one service.
c, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewClient("IntRpc", "http", "") // The first paramter is the service struct name.
err := c.Call("Add", Params{1, 6}, result, false) // The first paramter is the service struct function name.
  • The data of the client request to the server.
  "id": "1604283212",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "IntRpc/Add",
  "params": {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 6
  • The data of the server response to the client.
  "id": "1604283212",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": 7

# More features

  • TCP protocol
s, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewServer("tcp", 3232) // the protocol is tcp

c, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewClient("IntRpc", "tcp", "") // the protocol is tcp
  • Hooks (Add the following code before 's.Start()')
// Set the hook function of before method execution
s.SetBeforeFunc(func (id interface{}, method string, params interface{}) error {
// If the function returns an error, the program stops execution and returns an error message to the client
// return errors.New("Custom Error")
return nil
// Set the hook function of after method execution
s.SetAfterFunc(func (id interface{}, method string, result interface{}) error {
// If the function returns an error, the program stops execution and returns an error message to the client
// return errors.New("Custom Error")
return nil
  • Rate limit (Add the following code before 's.Start()')
s.SetRateLimit(20, 10) //The maximum concurrent number is 10, The maximum request speed is 20 times per second
  • Custom package EOF when the protocol is tcp
// Add the following code before 's.Start()'
s.SetOptions(server.TcpOptions{"aaaaaa", nil}) // Custom package EOF when the protocol is tcp
// Add the following code before 'c.Call()' or 'c.BatchCall()'
c.SetOptions(client.TcpOptions{"aaaaaa", nil}) // Custom package EOF when the protocol is tcp
  • Notify
// notify
result2 := new(Result2)
err2 := c.Call("Add2", Params{1, 6}, result2, true)
// data sent: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"IntRpc/Add2","params":{"a":1,"b":6}}
// data received: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"c":7}}
fmt.Println(err2) // nil
fmt.Println(*result2) // {7}
  • Batch call
// batch call
result3 := new(int)
err3 := c.BatchAppend("Add1", Params{1, 6}, result3, false)
result4 := new(int)
err4 := c.BatchAppend("Add", Params{2, 3}, result4, false)
// data sent: [{"id":"1604283212","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"IntRpc/Add1","params":{"a":1,"b":6}},{"id":"1604283212","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"IntRpc/Add","params":{"a":2,"b":3}}]
// data received: [{"id":"1604283212","jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found","data":null}},{"id":"1604283212","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":5}]
fmt.Println((*err3).Error()) // Method not found
fmt.Println(*result3) // 0
fmt.Println(*err4)    // nil
fmt.Println(*result4) // 5
  • Client-Side Load-Balancing
c, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewClient("IntRpc", "tcp", ",,")

# Service registration & discovery

# Consul

 * check: true or false. The switch of the health check.
 * interval: The interval of the health check. For example: 10s.
 * timeout: Timeout. For example: 10s.
 * instanceId: Instance ID. Distinguish the same service in different nodes. For example: 1.
dc, _ := consul.NewConsul("http://localhost:8500?check=true&instanceId=1&interval=10s&timeout=10s")

// Set in the server.
s, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewServer("tcp", 3614)
// If the default node ip is used, the second parameter can be set ""
s.SetDiscovery(dc, "")

// Set in the client
c, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewClient("IntRpc", "tcp", dc)

# Nacos

dc, _ := nacos.NewNacos("")

// Set in the server.
s, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewServer("tcp", 3616)
// If the default node ip is used, the second parameter can be set ""
s.SetDiscovery(dc, "")

// Set in the client
c, _ := jsonrpc4go.NewClient("IntRpc", "tcp", dc)